Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Staging Could Speed Sale

What can a home stager do for your place that you couldn’t do for yourself ? Plenty. Industry numbers show you could sell your home in half the time if it is properly staged.
First, stagers heartlessly remove clutter and send extra tables, chairs, lamps and knick-knacks to storage.
Then, with the heart of a decorator, they will rearrange the furniture. They spruce up your home with various items in order to make it more attractive. That could include colored pillows, a plant, bedspread or window treatment.
Personal items, such as trophies, awards, kids’ drawings and most of the extra family photos you have on the walls, will also go to storage. Inexpensive but attractive art could take their places.
Next come the closets and shelves. All the extra clothes you never wear, plus extra salt shakers, serving dishes and small appliances you rarely use, will not be jamming closet doors or clogging the cupboards. All those extra hats will join them in storage.
Hire a stager that is qualified by an organization such as Certified Staging Professionals or the International Association of Home Staging Professionals.

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