Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Negotiating the Sale

One of the most challenging steps of buying a home is Negotiating the Price between buyer & seller. The realtors are the “Middlemen”, each representing their clients. It is the responsibility of each realtor to negotiate the “BEST DEAL” for their client. However, some sellers and buyers refuse to see the Black & White sales statistics of the neighborhood. Most sellers feel that their home is the best house on the block. They often believe that the new granite should bring them an extra $5000 in the negotiated price. Normally, it just doesn’t work that way. Upgrading a home is very important for the enjoyment of the homeowner & the upgrades assist in selling the home more quickly. Yes, the seller may get a price per Sq. Ft. that is slightly higher than the neighborhood average, but it is most often does not equal the amount that the homeowner invested in the upgrade. On the other hand, buyers are hearing that it is a “Buyers Market” and that they should be able to get a great deal. Often buyers assume this means they are going to STEAL a home and only want to pay below market value for a home. Again, it doesn’t work that way. It is important for a realtor to explain the process of buying and selling to the individual they are representing. They need to know facts, backed up by statistical data from the neighborhood. My goal as a Real Estate Agent is to find a WIN/WIN situation for all parties.

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